new formula: Veloxium™ with hoodia

Lose weight fast

Join the thousands who chose Veloxium’s™ all natural formula to get them on track to rapid weight loss. Get lean without spending endless hours at the gym or depriving yourself of your favorite foods.

Veloxium™ is the only weight loss supplement to take advantage of your body's natural ability to incinerate unwanted fat, finally giving you the toned and flawless figure that you've always wanted! Learn more

Increase Metabolism

Increase metabolism and control your appetite

The new Veloxium™ formula now includes Hoodia and will completely eliminate any food cravings that you might have. Hoodia ensures proven and unsurpassed appetite control resulting in a steady loss of fat throughout a simple 4 week weight loss program. Guaranteed weight loss

While controlling your appetite, Veloxium™ also has the ability to increase your metabolic rate (metabolism) and burn fat all day and through the night as you sleep.

Backed by a money back guarantee and made in the USA, you can trust that Veloxium™ will deliver where others have failed.